锘军!--#include file="../../inc/const.asp"-->
dim plus
set plus = new cls_plus
dim key,Ktype
key = Request("keyword")
Ktype = LCase(Request("searchtype"))
if Len(Ktype) = 0 then Ktype = plus.Config("mode")
if Ktype <> "title" then
Ktype = "titlekeywords"
call plus.settpl("{tkc}"," selected ")
call plus.settpl("{tc}"," ")
call plus.settpl("{tkc}"," ")
call plus.settpl("{tc}"," selected ")
end if
if Len(key) > 0 then
'On Error Resume Next
dim html
dim P : P = Request("P")
if P = "" or Not IsNumeric(P) then P = 1
if P < 1 then P = 1
P = Cint(P)
if Len(key) < 2 then
html = plus.Lang("short")
dim SQL,Rs,i,j,Searchstr,aTitle,aDescription,aUrl,aDateTime,aAuthor
key = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(key,"'",""),"%",""),"<",""),">",""),"(",""),")",""),"""",""),"|",",")," ",""),"?",""),"*","")
key = Left(key,10) : key = LCase(key)
if Ktype = "title" then
Searchstr = "Where [Title] Like '%" & key & "%'"
Searchstr = "Where [Title] Like '%" & key & "%' Or [Description] Like '%" & key & "%'"
end if
if Len(Searchstr) = 0 then
html = plus.Lang("needkey")
SQL = "Select Top " & plus.Config("maxsize") & " [ID],[Cid],[Title],[Author],[Description],[Diyname],[Createtime],[Viewpath] From [{pre}Content] " & Searchstr & " Order BY [ID] Desc"
Set Rs = DB(SQL,2)
if Rs.eof then
html = plus.Lang("norecords")
if Instr(Session("user_search"), "'" & key & "'") = 0 then
dim Ns
Set Ns = DB("Select [Name],[Count],[Modifytime] From [{pre}Tags] Where [Name]='" & key & "'",3)
if Ns.Eof then Ns.AddNew
Ns(0) = key
if Len(Ns(1)) = 0 Or IsNull(Ns(1)) then Ns(1) = 1 else Ns(1) = Ns(1) + 1
Ns(2) = Now()
Ns.Update : Ns.CLose : Set Ns = Nothing
Session("user_search") = Session("user_search") & "'" & key & "'" : Session("user_search") = Replace(Session("user_search"),"''","'")
end if
dim TempRule,TempNow
html = html & Vbcrlf & plus.skin("top")
TempRule = plus.skin("list")
Rs.PageSize = plus.Config("pagesize")
Rs.AbsolutePage = P
For i = 1 To Rs.pagesize
if Rs.Eof then Exit For
aUrl = BuildViewPath(Rs("ID"),Rs("Cid"),Rs("Diyname"),Rs("Createtime"),Rs("Viewpath"))
aTitle = Rs("Title")
aAuthor = Rs("Author")
aDescription = Left(Rs("Description"),160)
aDateTime = Year(Rs("createtime")) & "-" & Month(Rs("createtime")) & "-" & Day(Rs("createtime"))
aTitle = Replace(aTitle,key,"" & key & "",1,-1,1)
aDescription = Replacex(aDescription,key,"" & key & "")
TempNow = TempRule
html = html & Vbcrlf & Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(TempNow,"$aurl", aUrl),"$atitle", atitle),"$adescription", adescription),"$adatetime", adatetime),"$aauthor", aAuthor)
html = html & Vbcrlf & plus.skin("page")
For i=1 To Rs.PageCount
if i = P then
html = html & " " & i & " "
html = html & " " & i & " "
end if
html = html & Vbcrlf & plus.skin("end")
html = RewriteRule(html)
end if
Rs.Close : Conn.CLose
end if
end if
call plus.settpl("{searchback}",html)
if err then response.write "
" & plus.lang("scripterror") & "锛? & err.description
call plus.settpl("{searchback}","")
end if
call plus.settpl("{keyword}",key)
response.write plus.gettpl
set plus = nothing