锘军!--#include file="../../Inc/Const.Asp"--> <% Dim ID ID = Request("ID") ' 鏂囩珷缂栧彿 If IsNumeric(ID) and len(ID) > 0 and len(ID) < 10 Then Dim Plus Set Plus = New Cls_Plus Plus.Open("count") ' 鎵撳紑閰嶇疆鏂囦欢 If Plus.Config("state") = 0 Then Response.End On Error Resume Next Call DB("Update [{pre}Content] Set [Views]=[Views]+1 Where [ID]=" & ID,0) ' 鏇存柊缁熻 If Plus.Config("show") = 1 then Dim Rs : Set Rs = DB("Select [Views] From [{pre}Content] Where [ID]=" & ID,1) If Not Rs.Eof Then Response.Write "document.write('" & Rs(0) & "');" Rs.Close : Set Rs = Nothing End If Conn.Close : Set Conn = Nothing Set Plus = Nothing End If %>